Riska Kusuma Wardhani
Sehubungan dengan sifatnya yang rawan akan kompetisi, memasuki tahun 2011, beberapa pemain di kancah industri telekomunikasi Indonesia pun mulai berbenah dengan melakukan brainstorming serta benchmarking untuk kemudian menemukan model bisnis yang paling tepat. Secara umum, model bisnis yang dapat diterapkan di era globalisasi dan termasuk ke dalam kategori best practiced ada tiga macam: product management, brand management, dan customer management yang kemudian dijalankan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance. Akan tetapi, penerapan model bisnis ini saja tidak akan akan mampu mencapai target industri tanpa diimbangi oleh strategi khusus, terutama di bidang marketing, yang terintegrasi dengan kondisi terkini di Indonesia.

Lalu apakah strategi khusus di bidang marketing yang dapat diterapkan oleh industri telekomunikasi Indonesia?

Adalah Hermawan Kertajaya, Presiden MarkPlus, Inc. yang berhasil menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dengan meluncurkan suatu konsep marketing baru bernama new wave marketing. Dalam presentasinya di MarkPlus Conference 2011, beliau menjelaskan bahwa konsep new wave marketing ini lahir bukan dengan begitu saja tanpa alasan, melainkan menyesuaikan dengan beberapa perubahan revolusioner yang terjadi di Indonesia beberapa tahun belakangan. Adapun perubahan-perubahan revolusioner itu kemudian dirangkumnya menjadi satu istilah singkat: 3C (Connected, Credible, dan Creative).

Connected dalam 3C sebenarnya mengacu pada kondisi mulai menjamurnya sistem pembayaran elektronik di Indonesia (e-payment gateway) untuk berbagai jenis pengeluaran, mulai dari tagihan listrik hingga pembayaran tol. Bukan hanya itu, terjadi peningkatan jumlah pengguna media sosial yang secara aktif melakukan komunikasi atau bahkan transaksi bisnis satu sama lain. Banyaknya jumlah pengguna smartphone dan tablet PC seperti Blackberry dan iPad juga merupakan salah satu indikator betapa connected-nya masyarakat Indonesia dibandingkan tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

Berbeda dengan connected, credible dalam 3C mengacu pada situasi politik, ekonomi, dan sosio-kultural Indonesia yang mulai membaik jika dibandingkan dengan era Orde Baru atau reformasi tahap awal. Jika dahulu Indonesia masih rawan akan konflik, krisis ekonomi, dan perseteruan antar ras, pada saat ini jumlah kesemuanya menurun meski belum bisa mencapai angka nol. Bukan hanya itu, pada tahun ini pula muncul pergerakan "Cinta Indonesia" seperti #IndonesiaUnite dengan pemrakarsa Pandji yang telah menarik perhatian kaum muda dan berhasil meraih banyak dukungan.

Adapun creative pada 3C mengacu pada peningkatan urban movement (dari angka 42,4% meningkat menjadi 49,9% sesuai data statistik BPS yang diambil pada bulan Mei 2010), middle-class-emergence (mencapai 18,3 juta orang pada tahun 2009), dan Youth-Women-Citizen (YWN) supremacy (42% youth adalah early adopters, 84% wanita merupakan pengatur budget dalam rumah tangga, dan 40% netizen terlibat aktif akan diskusi mengenai suatu produk tertentu) di Indonesia dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Generasi ini dianggap lebih kreatif dibanding masyarakat yang tergabung dalam kelompok rural, lower-class, dan senior-men-citizen, dan merupakan pemrakarsa dari industri kreatif yang kehadirannya sangat didukung oleh pemerintah karena mampu mendongkrak perekonomian nasional.

Dalam menghadapi perubahan-perubahan revolusioner ini, strategi-strategi khusus yang dapat diambil adalah sebagai berikut:

Focus on YWN Subcultures
Berkenaan dengan tingginya supremasi kalangan YWN yang juga diprediksi akan terus meningkat bahkan hingga tahun 2025, industri telekomunikasi pun harus memfokuskan perhatiannya akan niche ini. Adapun program-program yang bisa diterapkan antara lain meluncurkan paket telekomunikasi yang murah meriah untuk kalangan youth, paket spesial untuk women, dan paket internet yang cepat untuk kalangan netizen. Adapun untuk mempertahankan loyalty setiap kalangan ini, industri telekomunikasi bisa memberlakukan sistem first come first serve: customer yang telah menggunakan jasa telekomunikasi dari industri tertentu dalam kurun waktu yang cukup lama (hingga bertahun-tahun) akan mendapatkan paket yang lebih wah dibanding customer yang baru.

Prepare for Digital Interactivity (Screen-to-Face)
Adanya perkembangan teknologi yang pesat membuat komunikasi bisa dilakukan via screen-to-face, tidak lagi face-to-face. Industri telekomunikasi pun harus pintar-pintar memanfaatkan hal ini: mereka harus mampu menciptakan situs web maupun iklan yang informatif namun tetap persuasif dan interaktif.

Promote Urban Lifestyle
Industri telekomunikasi harus rajin mengadakan kerja sama dengan event-event bertemakan fashion, entertainment, dan socialization seperti Jakarta Fashion Week, Blogger Yard Sale, Jakarta Culinary Festival, dan sebagainya. Adapun XL sendiri telah menerapkan strategi ini dengan menjadi sponsor acara Pesta Blogger+ 2010 yang diadakan pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2010.

Use Local Content and Context
Berkenaan dengan munculnya semangat nasionalisme di masyarakat Indonesia pada saat ini, industri telekomunikasi bisa memanfaatkannya misalkan dengan cara meluncurkan paket kartu bertemakan Indonesian Heritage atau bahkan edisi timnas mengikuti kesuksesesan Indonesia menjadi runner-up Piala AFF.

Consider Channel Mobility
Setiap industri telekomunikasi seluler harus mengetahui secara detail luas jangkauan jaringan industrinya untuk memperbesar peluang mendapatkan customer dari berbagai penjuru daerah di Indonesia. Jumlah customer service dan juga tower penangkap sinyal di setiap daerah pun harus diperbanyak untuk memberikan kenyamanan dan fasilitas terbaik bagi customer.

Offer Affordable Luxuries
Memberikan kemewahan dengan harga terjangkau terutama untuk kalangan Middle Class yang sekarang jumlahnya jauh lebih banyak darinya Lower Class. Kalangan Middle Class diyakini memiliki pemikiran yang lebih kreatif sehingga terbuka akan segala bentuk teknologi dan memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi serta tidak segan-segan mencoba hal yang baru. Adapun cara yang bisa dilakukan di antaranya adalah menawarkan program bundling yang lebih murah dibanding harus membeli satuan.

Identity Personification
Jangan menggunakan terlalu banyak hiperbola dalam beriklan, karena dengan munculnya generasi yang lebih smart dan analitik dalam berpikir, iklan seperti itu justru bisa menurunkan kualitas dari industri telekomunikasi itu sendiri. Untuk kasus XL, coba tampilkan kisah nyata dari pemakai XL terutama pemakai setia sebagai bentuk apresiasi akan kesetiaan mereka.

Proactive Engagement
Berikan servis lebih, sekarang sudah zamannya customer care bukan customer service. Jangan hanya menyelesaikan aduan, tapi berikan nilai tambah yang lain.

Shared Resources
Mengadakan kerjasama dengan perusahaan lain seperti program bundling. Akan tetapi kerjasama ini juga harus ditelaah terlebih dahulu karena jika nantinya terjadi kesalahan, citra industri telekomunikasi akan turun begitu pula hubungan dengan perusahaan yang diajak bekerja sama akan memburuk.

Jika setiap industri telekomunikasi seluler di Indonesia, termasuk XL, berhasil menerapkan kesembilan strategi yang telah dijabarkan serta menyesuaikannya dengan kondisi terkini di Indonesia, maka kesuksesan dalam hal meraih market share terbanyak bukan lagi impian. Bahkan tidak hanya adalam hal market share, mereka bahkan bisa menguasai mind share (brand awareness) dan heart share (loyalty) masyarakat Indonesia.

Jakarta, 31 Desember 2010

Riska Kusuma Wardhani

Riska Kusuma Wardhani

When you try your best but you don't succeed

When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

High up above or down below
when you're too in love to let it go
but If you never try you'll never know
Just what your worth

Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears streaming down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears streaming down your face and I

Tears streaming down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face and I

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

-Fix You- by Coldplay

Dedicated to people whose lives need to be fixed... and I.
Riska Kusuma Wardhani
With the same format as my October's Wishlist, here is a list of things that I wanna accomplish in November 2010:
  1. Have a more-than-average kind of grade for my Mid Term Test starting from November 12th to November 22nd. I know that I didn't study hard for my previous exams (Sales Management, Marketing, and Good Corporate Governance) and have a feeling that I won't study hard too for upcoming exams, but at least I do the test by myself, WITHOUT CHEATING or USING CHEAT-SHEET FROM LECTURERS!
  2. Have a great 20th birthday. It falls on this November 27th, and as I view the age (20) as a starting point of transformation from late teenagers to legal adult, I expect to have a nice birthday: Not a birthday with nasty surprises here and there (no flour, egg, water, and soy sauce allowed! Erk!), but more like a birthday where my precious people will surround me and wish me maturity and prosperity.
  3. Get a meaningful gift for my father. How I love this assertive man who always works hard to earn money for his family and gives me his unconditional, familial love. Yet, I can't reciprocate all his sacrifice since I have no personal income and still depend on him. Hopefully one nice surprise that I got in the end of October will help me pace one step closer in paying him back both in financial and emotional ways.
  4. Get more money in legal way. Again haha. People can argue that money isn't everything, but I think my life will be better off if I have more money: I can increase the quality of life, improve my knowledge (by buying books or entering a course, paid with the money), or even help other people needing it for various reasons.
  5. Win some competitions. Will enter a Business Plan Competition held by some universities this month along with Tia and Vita (another university mate), and we must win them all! Pray for us, pretty please? :)
  6. Get a part-time job concerning market research, project management, and community care! Have already prepared CV in both English and Bahasa to support this wish, and although my experiences and accomplishments are not extravagant enough, I do proud of them.
And that's the list, six points acting as a personal guidance to reach better future. Kindly remind me to work hard in order to achieve all of them, will you?

Riska Kusuma Wardhani

Recently my friend posted this question in his Twitter account:

"Hey guys, could you please inform me if you know a business-themed TV Series? Wanna watch it."

And God, how I wanna watch it too. Badly.
Why? Because it's a great source for us to know the way people operates business in Europe and America. To understand their value and culture to later compare it with our own.

And because I want to work abroad and, in the same time, take a postgraduate education (MBA) from one of these universities: Harvard University, or MIT. FOR FREE. Hard to reach? Yes. Impossible? No. I believe nothing is impossible in this world as long as we have strong, clear vision with effective and efficient perseverance.

Here is some of the business-themed TV Series that I've already known (and watch, for a season or two): The Apprentice (but it's more like a reality show than TV Series), Leverage (let us know various financial vocabularies, though the focus is more into fraud than the business itself), and The Office (tells us about cinematography world, how directors must compete against each other to maintain their position and market share. At first glance, it's quite educational, but God, the rest is PORN).

And yeah, my tiny brain only recognize those three. Do you know other TV Series beside the ones that I've mentioned above? Do tell me :)
Riska Kusuma Wardhani
The Stand Community LOs Team

On October 30th, I was volunteering in Pesta Blogger+ 2010 held at The Oval Epicentrum Walk along with my best friend, Istiarina Putri (Tia); my university mate, Brian Ardianto; and other volunteers coming from different areas and backgrounds. There we had a responsibility to act accordingly with our job description: the Stand Community LOs, the minutests, the Stage 'Managers', the Informants, the Traffic 'Managers', or the Zero Waste campaigners. I myself had gotten the position of a Stand Community LO with eight others:

Tia, my best friend (as always, we're inseparable :D)

Rara, a junior from Binus University

Riza (left), sorry for not taking your self-portrait!

Dwi, a lecturer from Gunadarma University

Nony, a young lecturer (I'm not joking) from Gunadarma University

Arisyi, a senior from Gunadarma University

Andhika, also a senior from Gunadarma University

And Jemiro, the sophomore from Gunadarma University too.

Actually there's still one more, Mima, but due to some tests and bad weather she couldn't come even for an hour. That's okay though, because other LOs had been prepared to face such situation. The fact that we had already known each other a day before the even helps too :)

As we're narcissistic people, and to better acquaint ourselves with each other, after the event had ended, we held a 'get together' photo session in the main lobby of Epiwalk. Here is a picture of us, minus Riza and Rara who had left earlier to finish some personal matters:

Back Row (from left to right):

Arisyi, Nony, Andhika, Mbak Rara (the Head of Committee), Dwi, Jemiro, Mbak Endhoot (LOs' Coordinators), Tia, Me, and... someone whose name I don't know yet (sorry!!!)

Front Row:

Again, someone whose name I have no recognition of, and Mbak Sinta Setiawan (100% woman, but everybody calls him Mas Setiawan or Masset :))

Glad and proud to be the part of your team, Pesta Blogger+ 2010 Committee!! :)


Riska Kusuma Wardhani
I won the 1st place of XL Writing Contest.

The moment alone has become one of the most precious fragments of my life, due to the unbelievably amount of sheer happiness I felt at that time.

And guess what? I got what I desire most.

A BlackBerry!!

Got Blackberry Curve 8520 (Gemini)

and a nice amount of money!!!

Ignore my ugly and oily face; kinda tired after volunteering for 12 hours

Do you keep in track of my October's wishlist? Do you? Do you notice what I've written on point 2 and 5?? They've been realized, they've become true!

I can get what I want without paying for anything, and in the right month too!

All gratitude is presented to Allah (as nothing is impossible for You), XL and Pesta Blogger+ 2010 (for holding it), and the last but not least, my best friend, Istiarina Putri, who had kindly given me the information about this competition. Remind me to treat you, dear :)

This achievement has driven me to explore deeper into blogging world. Hope I'll receive the same achievement (better more) on next month or next year!

Additional Notes:
At first I was very skeptical with this winning, seeing that some other posts are quite good, and even better in my personal opinion! Some of them even use touchy diction to better capture the hearts of the judges and the readers. Me? I use scientific facts to support the general statement of my post, and mostly I use a businesslike words rather than touchy ones. In order to erase some confusions, can some of you who know please explain the assessment process of this competition? I think it's quite beneficial for future development of myself and others.


Riska Kusuma Wardhani
It's 164, the number of photos I took on Pesta Blogger+ 2010 at Epicentrum Walk yesterday. Tried my best to capture every possible moment; love them so much :)

Will post it gradually today, so stay tuned and stabilize your internet connection!

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Riska Kusuma Wardhani

SEBAGAI negara berkembang yang sering diguncang berbagai masalah internal maupun eksternal, Indonesia memiliki sistem perekonomian yang tidak stabil dan rawan ‘terserang’ krisis. Krisis ekonomi tergenting yang pernah dialami Indonesia mungkin terjadi pada tahun 1998 dimana inflasi mencapai 58%, mendorong masyarakat yang tercekik untuk melakukan kerusuhan dan penjarahan pada toko-toko serta mahasiswa yang tidak puas akan kinerja pemerintah Orde Baru saat itu untuk berdemonstrasi. Meskipun lambat laun perekonomian nasional sudah mulai membaik, tetap saja krisis masih menjadi ancaman yang harus diwaspadai hingga tahun 2010 di mana ACFTA sudah diberlakukan secara penuh. Apalagi jika seluruh elemen sistem perekonomian Indonesia tetap bergerak aktif mencari kambing hitam bukannya memperbaiki kinerja karena tidak ingin disalahkan apabila terjadi kegagalan: pemerintah, dengan tudingan sewenang-wenang dalam menjalankan tugas dan mengeluarkan kebijakan; pejabat dan pegawai negeri, dengan tudingan hobi melakukan korupsi sehingga alokasi dana untuk kesejahteraan umum berkurang; mahasiswa, dengan tudingan hanya bisa melakukan demonstrasi tanpa memberi kontribusi riil; golongan masyarakat yang kaya, dengan tudingan mereka hanya mau memperkaya diri sendiri dan tidak mau membantu golongan yang miskin; dan kambing-kambing hitam lainnya. Jika praktik saling tuduh, lempar batu sembunyi tangan ini terus diteruskan, bukannya maju, Indonesia hanya akan terpuruk pada lingkaran setan kemiskinan dan diterpa berbagai krisis tanpa bisa bangkit kembali.

Permasalahan yang cukup pelik tersebut secara tidak langsung kemudian memberikan stigma kepada masyarakat bahwa pihak yang bisa mengubah perekonomian nasional menjadi lebih baik hanyalah orang-orang yang memiliki jabatan penting atau uang dalam jumlah besar. Padahal tahukah Anda, bahwa ada hal mudah yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mengubah nasib Indonesia, apalagi jika Anda seorang pengguna media sosial?

Adalah artikel yang ditulis oleh Anton William dalam situs www.tempointeraktif.com, pada hari Jumat, 24 September 2010, yang mengemukakan fakta mengejutkan tersebut. Artikel ini mengulas tentang Menteri Perdagangan Mari Elka Pangestu yang mengeluarkan pernyataan bahwa pertumbuhan pesat pengguna media sosial yang aktif, khususnya Facebook dan Twitter, telah berhasil meningkatkan daya saing perekonomian Indonesia dari posisi ke-54 pada tahun lalu menjadi posisi ke-44 tahun ini. Sebuah pernyataan yang tentunya mampu memberikan penyegaran atas beberapa isu miring dan sisi negatif pada beberapa media sosial (seperti Facebook yang rawan penculik), dan tentunya memberi ilham bagi kita untuk ikut berkontribusi, benar?

Tunggu dulu. Anda harus mengerti ‘aktif’ seperti apa dulu yang bisa meningkatkan perekonomian nasional. Jika selama ini Anda hanya menggunakan media sosial sebagai sarana untuk berceloteh tentang keseharian Anda, berkomunikasi dengan pacar, mencari teman baru, atau hal-hal lain yang tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan ekonomi, maka pengaruhnya pun tidak ada.

Lalu ‘aktif’ seperti apakah yang bisa membantu perekonomian nasional?

Adalah ‘aktif’ memasarkan atau memperkenalkan bisnis pribadi maupun bisnis orang lain yang dapat meningkatkan perekonomian nasional. Di sini media sosial berperan sebagai “Sarana Marketing Revolusioner, pemberi warna baru dalam dunia pemasaran yang tadinya didominasi oleh word of mouth (pemasaran dari mulut ke mulut) atau promosi melalui media elektronik dan cetak. Dengan prosedur yang mudah (sama seperti penggunaan untuk kegiatan sehari-hari, hanya isinya menyinggung bisnis yang ingin dipasarkan atau diperkenalkan), biaya yang murah (hanya biaya internet bahkan, jika media promosinya Facebook atau Twitter), namun mampu menjangkau orang banyak, media sosial pun dalam kuarter tahun ini berhasil menjadi primadona bagi para pebisnis.

Umpamakan Anda adalah seorang pebisnis kecil-kecilan yang bergerak di industri kreatif dengan spesialisasi sepatu fashionable yang diproduksi sendiri. Jumlah karyawan Anda ada 5 orang, di mana semuanya adalah pengrajin sepatu dengan honor Rp30.000,00/jumlah sepatu yang selesai dikerjakan. Sepatu ini dijual di sebuah kios di daerah pertokoan Bandung dengan harga Rp150.000,00 dengan target pasar masyarakat kota Bandung itu sendiri. Dalam sebulan, volume penjualan sepatu Anda adalah 30 pasang. Sekarang bandingkan jika Anda memiliki sebuah online shop di media sosial Facebook. Karena jumlah pengguna Facebook sangat banyak dan berasal dari daerah yang beragam, target pasar Anda pun meluas. Peluang terbuka lebar. Dengan menampilkan foto yang apik serta pelayanan via Facebook atau SMS yang memuaskan, bahkan menge-tag foto itu satu-satu ke target pasar Anda, Anda bisa menarik jumlah pelanggan yang lebih banyak dengan mudah. Dalam sebulan, volume penjualan kini mencapai 100 pasang. Adanya peningkatan pada permintaan ini tentunya berimbas pula pada jumlah honor yang diterima karyawan Anda: penghasilan mereka meningkat karena honor tersebut dihitung dari jumlah sepatu yang berhasil diselesaikan. Penghasilan Anda juga turut meningkat. Begitu pula para supplier tempat Anda membeli bahan baku sepatu tersebut. Dan jangan lupa pula pada penambahan penghasilan yang diterima jasa antar barang seperti Tiki, JNE, dan Pos Indonesia karena ada pelanggan Anda yang berasal dari luar Bandung sehingga barang harus dikirim.

Bagaimana dengan media sosial lainnya seperti Twitter? Twitter juga mampu berperan sebagai sarana marketing revolusioner, namun lebih fokus pada pemasaran berbasis word of tweet (dari tweet ke tweet) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan awareness masyarakat terhadap barang dan jasa yang ingin ditawarkan. Word of tweet ini bisa berasal dari pebisnis itu sendiri atau teman maupun pelanggan pebisnis yang puas akan barang dan jasa yang dibeli sehingga kemudian memberikan rekomendasi (dalam bentuk tweet) yang meyakinkan kepada teman-teman mereka yang lain di Twitter.

Blog dan milis juga merupakan tempat empuk untuk dijadikan sarana pemasaran bisnis. Untuk kasus blog, dengan penataan yang rapi dan mudah dibaca disertai foto dan deskripsi lengkap akan barang dan jasa yang disediakan, serta promosi berkesinambungan ke blog lain atau media lain (cetak dan elektronik), menggaet target pasar juga cukup mudah. Begitu pula milis. Untuk milis yang ukurannya besar dan cukup terkenal (seperti Kaskus), bahkan telah tersedia forum jual beli untuk para pebisnis. Tidak ada biaya apapun yang dikenakan dalam pemasaran melalui media tersebut, hanya setiap anggota diwajibkan untuk mengikuti syarat dan ketentuan yang telah dirumuskan oleh administrator milis.

Berkaitan dengan media-media sosial seperti yang telah disebutkan di atas, terjadi perubahan di bidang pemasaran terutama menyangkut teknik buzz marketing, yaitu pemasaran barang dan jasa dengan memanfaatkan pengaruh tokoh-tokoh yang dijadikan sebagai ikon barang dan jasa yang diperjualbelikan. Jika tadinya tokoh-tokoh tersebut umumnya berasal dari kalangan artis, dengan adanya perkembangan pesat media sosial, beberapa top bloggers dan top tweeters pun kini dilantik menjadi ikon beberapa barang dan jasa. Contohnya adalah Diana Rikasari, seorang fashion blogger yang karena kreativitas dan kredibilitasnya telah ditunjuk menjadi salah satu ikon barang-barang fashion dengan merk Bloop serta menjadi jujugan bagi para online shops untuk kemudian membantu mempromosikan barang mereka. Dengan metode ini, kedua belah pihak sama-sama diuntungkan: Diana mendapatkan barang-barang fashion gratis dari online shops yang ingin dipromosikan, serta penghasilan dari kerjasamanya dengan Bloop; online shops dan Bloop itu sendiri mendapatkan peningkatan permintaan hingga 300% karena pengaruh seorang Diana Rikasari yang cukup besar di mata bloggers dan pecinta fashion.

Demikianlah uraian mengenai peran media sosial dalam meningkatkan perekonomian nasional. Tentunya jika Anda ingin turut berkontribusi dan bahkan menerima penghasilan tambahan, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah turut memasarkan bisnis Anda atau bisnis teman Anda (siapa tahu Anda kecipratan). Tidak ada lagi sikap pasif, menunggu nasib dan hanya bisa memprotes kiri-kanan tanpa melakukan aksi yang nyata. Niatkanlah diri Anda dari detik ini juga. Tunggu apa lagi?

Jakarta, 22 Oktober 2010

Riska Kusuma Wardhani

Riska Kusuma Wardhani
As I promised yesterday, here is the next list of quotes gotten from Criminal Minds Season 1, Episode 2:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
-Author: Albert Einstein

"There are certain clues at a crime scene which by their very nature do not lend themselves to being collected or examined."
-Author: James Reese

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself."
-Author: William Faulkner

Quite inspiring, huh? In my case, they do :)

Riska Kusuma Wardhani

Recently got this picture from thadguy.com, a sarcastic but creative site created by an American blogger (credits for him!). It tells us about the utilitarianism in America: the literal definition, the examples along with the moral consequences, and the figurative conclusion. Here, you can check the picture by yourself:

How is it? Good? Bad? Complicated? Or easy to understand? Personally I think the case represented on the picture also happens in Indonesia, my developing country located in Southeast Asia where corruption, bribery, and money laundering prevail. And sadly there's no real effort which can stop it from happening, as the police, government, and other important organizations are sometimes the ones committing them. What a mess.

And that's my opinion. What is your personal opinion of this picture? Share it :)
Riska Kusuma Wardhani
New Soul by Yael Naim
(Background Soundtrack of NUMB3RS Season 5)

I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.
But since I came here,
Felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake


I'm a young soul
In this very strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout what is true and fake
But why all this hate?
Try to communicate
Finding trust and love is not always easy to make


This is a happy end
'Cause you don't understand
Everything you have done
Why's everything so wrong?
This is a happy end
Come and give me your hand
I'll take you far away

I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.
But since I came here,
Felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake

I'm a new soul... (la, la, la, la,...)
In this very strange world...
Every possible mistake
Possible mistake
Every possible mistake
Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...
Take take take take take... take a mistake
Take, take a mistake
Take, take a mistake
(oh oh oh oh...)
[fade out]
(oh oh oh oh...)

Song Interpretation (summarized from songmeanings.com):
This song is about the struggles a person new to a country has to endure: Making mistakes, experiencing new and frightening things, and trying to be accepted into a society that doesn't (try to) understand them. New soul representing new beginnings and such.

Yael Naim herself being French, moved to Israeli at age 4.

Riska Kusuma Wardhani
Days ago I downloaded a full, new album of The Script, Science & Faith. And guess what, I can't stop listening the entire songs till this minute (in fact, I'm typing this post while listening to them)! Great tunes, catchy but easy-to-understand lyrics, and absolutely killing chorus. The theme of this new album is still about love and woman through the man's perspective (because the vocalist is a male, so do the other personnels), mostly focusing on heartbreak suffered by the man's counterpart be it from the presence of another person or some gruesome arguments.

Because of that focus, sometimes I wonder if I've made a mistake by listening them. The lyrics, directly, or indirectly, portray the woman as a cruel being who has no understanding of what the man feels. Hello, in reality, it's the man who acts as the cruel being, not the opposite! What makes me more frustrated is that there're no new songs sung by a woman singer who is capable to counterattack this lyrics. Underline the word new. Some of them, like Katy Perry and Taylor Swift who have also released a new album in this quarter of year, mostly talk about the sweet memories of their high school years or the nice attitudes of their boyfriends. If only I'm a song-writer...

Back to the topic of The Script, I personally think that this album is perfect for the brokenhearted men as it gives you insight that there're men out there having the same bitter fate as yours. Women? If you do not care of being stabbed and appreciate great music and lyrics, just try it! Or just change the man's perspective into woman's perspective, will be more interesting that way.

Recommended songs to listen: Nothing, Science & Faith, Long Gone and Moved On, Dead Man Walking, Walk Away (5 out of 10)

Personal Rating: 4 out of 5

Riska Kusuma Wardhani
Just a "small" list of things I want to do or get before October ends. Here they are:
  1. Get a company to approve my make-a-Balanced Scorecard-voluntary application. The first priority, get none and I'm sure I'll fail the Sales Management class. Goodbye 4,00 GPA!
  2. Get more money, don't care where it comes from as long as it's legal. Need it to: buy some wanted things (not really sure I need it, but well, desires win) like BB, external HDD, and some fashionable stuffs; set up a saving account for a better future; and pay some debts. What a list.
  3. Get a free ticket for attending The 7000 Miles Orchestra and Pesta Blogger 2010.
  4. Can attend Ranking 1 or any other quiz-themed variety shows. Just wanna test my luck and intelligence.
  5. Win some competitions that I wanna join this month.
  6. Get high TOEFL Score from a test that I will do in a week or so. Not sure for its credibility though, as it's an institutionalized test not an international one.
And that's all. Some of them are impossible, yes, but it's not a sin to dream or wish higher than your capability right? How about showing some care by praying that I'll get them? :D
Riska Kusuma Wardhani
Here is one more thing that makes me fall in love with Criminal Minds: Almost every episode of Criminal Minds begins and ends with a quote! And the damn good ones they are, criminal-themed but can be implemented in every aspect of life. Here is a comprehensive list of the quotes from Season 1, Episode 1:

"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness."
-Author: Joseph Conrad

"All is a riddle, and the key to a riddle... is another riddle."
-Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Try again, fail again. Fail better."
-Author: Samuel Beckett

"Try not. Do or do not."
-Author: Yoda

"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can look, the farther forward you will see."
-Author: Winston Churchill

"When you look long into an abyss, the abyss look into you."
-Author: Friedrich Nietzsche

What about the nest episodes? Are they equipped with quotes too? Yes, they do. And I'll post in in another day, can't spoil too much or I have none left to be posted ;)
Riska Kusuma Wardhani

If you're a self-proclaimed detective-themed movies addict, you must know this TV series that has been aired since 2005. The concept of Criminal Minds is quite similar with CSI, as the core idea is FBI versus criminals (does it always?). But there are also some major differences that make this series more appealing to me: It centers on BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) team of FBI working together in catching criminals or saving victims by understanding, even doing an in-depth analysis about the beliefs, emotions, feelings, and behavioral intentions of each criminal.

For readers who do not have strong stomach and thriller hater, I suggest you to avoid ever watching this series as some episodes contain very bloody, gore scenes and disturbing M.O.(modus operandi). But if you're looking for a thrill, and your love for detective-themed stuffs is stronger than your hate of blood, Criminal Minds is a perfect movie for you.

Here is a picture of Criminal Minds team from Season 6 (yep, it has six seasons already, quite popular right?). The characters are as follow: (from left to right) Dr. Spencer Reid, a shy, logical, and serious genius with an IQ higher than 180; Emily Prentiss, a nerd agent with fluency in some languages; Derek Morgan, an agent with black belt in judo an other martial arts; Aaron Hotchner, the most experienced agent starting from the founding of BAU; David Rossi, also a high experienced profiler; Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, an agent acts as the team's liaison with press; and the last but not least Penelope Garcia, a technical analyst and credible hacker (yes, hacker).

Eventually, as other TV Series do, some characters are replaced by new members. If you only watch Criminal Minds until Season 2, be aware that in the next season a major change of team line-up will occur. Even by only comparing the aforementioned Season 6 characters with the characters playing in Season 1 too, you'll notice differences here and there. I don't want to give up any spoilers though, so if you're interested, just watch it. And remember to never, ever, access wikipedia to read the summary before watching it. Will lose the fun.
Riska Kusuma Wardhani
Have you followed the timeline of this blog, you'll come into conclusion that I've been neglecting it for a year or so. Honestly, no post at all! What are you thinking?! Well, before you judge me as an incompetent, indiscipline, and an 'ababil' with no respect of blogging world, let me put a defense by explaining the motives of its abandonment:

  • I forgot the password of this blog.
Lame reason huh? But that's the truth. Driven by a desire to protect my blog better, I decided to use word-combined-with-number password instead of my usual choice of word. It worked at first, but as memory loss was a common occurrence last year... well, you can guess the rest. Don't worry for this time though, I've learned from my mistake by picking a simpler password. Doesn't mean that you can hack or worst, crack this blog; do that and I'll hunt you to death :))
  • I had lots, tiring homework given by insensitive lecturers and busy university days.
Who ever loves homework? Certainly not me. One is okay, two is... enough, but more than two with only a week as the deadline? NIGHTMARE. That was happened to me last year as the impact of taking accounting-themed lessons. The fact that the lecturers are crazy psychos with no toleration of mistake, no matter how small it is, didn't help either. And don't forget the stingy problem in marking the homework and exam papers!

As for the busy university days, here I refer to my past position as a staff of a student society engaging specifically in academic stuffs. That's when I had a pile of responsibilities: taking care of seminars, interest groups, and other big academic events. It was fun, sure, I got more friends, connections, and meaningful experiences, but as I had a little endurance after suffering a typhoid for about two to three weeks, I started to regret the decision of ever applying that position. And whenever you regret a thing, that thing becomes a chore for you. The fun was gone, replaced by misery :(

Does the situation become better now? Gradually, yes. By retiring from organizations through default way not a letter of resignation, I have more time to rest or even indulge in other activities without feeling burdened of anything. Sure, I still have stingy lecturers (damn accounting-themed lessons), but they are quite competent and communicative in explaining the lessons so that I can enjoy them thoroughly!
  • I had bad connection of internet.
How come you update your blog without the connection of internet? By praying to God? Very unlikely. You need it badly, dude, even for replacing the header. And that's something that I didn't have last year: I had no modem and didn't have any clue how to utilize the wifi facility of my campus. All has changed though, as I have bought a modem (though the signal is on and off, put the blame on the provider) and yippie! Finally I can access the wifi facility! Hail Mr. Chris for helping!

Enough with reasons, I think an introduction is in order as I've deleted my previous posts to better implement the whole new concept. Starting from my trait: Perfectionist by nature and English-literatures adorer, writing blog post with a nice, flowing sentences and good grammar in English is my passion, not a liability. However I realize that I am not a British or American citizen or even a citizen from any countries using English as primary language, so the chance of doing mistakes is large. Therefore, I wish you, as the readers, especially the one who has an expertise in English to correct my mistake, either by commenting below this post or PM-ing me. I'll be very grateful :)

And what about the new concept? What is it? Well, maybe I should've called it new concepts as the amount is more than one. They are the ones who will color my blog starting from today: novels and fictions, detective-themed movies, wolves, the campus life, and scholarships. What a mix, yes, but that's where my interest lies.

