The Stand Community LOs Team
On October 30th, I was volunteering in Pesta Blogger+ 2010 held at The Oval Epicentrum Walk along with my best friend,
Istiarina Putri (Tia); my university mate, Brian Ardianto; and other volunteers coming from different areas and backgrounds. There we had a responsibility to act accordingly with our job description: the Stand Community LOs, the minutests, the Stage 'Managers', the Informants, the Traffic 'Managers', or the Zero Waste campaigners. I myself had gotten the position of a Stand Community LO with eight others:
Tia, my best friend (as always, we're inseparable :D)
Rara, a junior from Binus University
Riza (left), sorry for not taking your self-portrait!
Dwi, a lecturer from Gunadarma University
Nony, a young lecturer (I'm not joking) from Gunadarma University
Arisyi, a senior from Gunadarma University
Andhika, also a senior from Gunadarma University
And Jemiro, the sophomore from Gunadarma University too.
Actually there's still one more, Mima, but due to some tests and bad weather she couldn't come even for an hour. That's okay though, because other LOs had been prepared to face such situation. The fact that we had already known each other a day before the even helps too :)
As we're narcissistic people, and to better acquaint ourselves with each other, after the event had ended, we held a 'get together' photo session in the main lobby of Epiwalk. Here is a picture of us, minus Riza and Rara who had left earlier to finish some personal matters:

Back Row (from left to right):
Arisyi, Nony, Andhika, Mbak Rara (the Head of Committee), Dwi, Jemiro, Mbak Endhoot (LOs' Coordinators), Tia, Me, and... someone whose name I don't know yet (sorry!!!)
Front Row:
Again, someone whose name I have no recognition of, and Mbak Sinta Setiawan (100% woman, but everybody calls him Mas Setiawan or Masset :))
Glad and proud to be the part of your team, Pesta Blogger+ 2010 Committee!! :)